Vijñāna Yoga
In many ways Vijñāna Yoga is nothing new. It is simply a continuation of a long tradition of Yoga and the name itself explains the flavour of practice and its guiding principles. It is a practice of deeper understanding.
It is not just a combination of exercises, philosophical ideas and breath control, instead it is way of life, a path, a guidance. We try to reestablish the balance that was lost between heaven and earth. And I deeply feel that this reestablishing was never as important as today.
It restructures the physical body, as well a the mental and emotional body. It changes our attitude and enables us to approach life from a radically different inner place.
It encourages us to see the passing events from a deeper and more secure place within us.
A Vijñāna Yoga class…
begins with a moment of Meditation, we call it “Sitting”, where there is no need to do anything except sitting in a well seated position. At first we may observe endless emotions and thoughts (agitation, fears, frustration). It is the very watching, observing that is the practice.
Observing the breath closely and carefully we are able to see the natural breath cycle. Being aware of this cycle we gradually apply methods of directing the breath : Pranayama.
The practice of poses, Asanas , is divided in different groups, as there are: Standing Poses, Sitting Poses & Twists ,Forward Bends, Hand Balances, Backbends, Leg Stretch, Inverted Poses. A regular and well-balanced practice allows the body to discover he wholeness and uniqueness of each pose.
At the end of each class we lie on the back for at least 5 minutes Shavasana in order to return energy to the body.

What makes Vijñāna Yoga so different?
The three main practices that make Vijñāna Yoga so different and for me so special from all other Yoga practices are …
…the working with the Seven Vital Principles , the so called Good Habits of every Yoga practice, which allow me to be more aware of my own body, the way I move in space, the way I shift my weight using gravity, which then enables me to move into the posture more quiet and with less movement. By practicing and applying the principles, we sharpen our awareness of heaven, earth and the space around us. Being conscious of bearing our weight and using gravity prevents damage.
…the practice of the 10 Vayus (5 inner & 5 outer winds) applied in Pranayama Practice to deepen our insight and skillfullness.
… and the study of Yogic texts such as the the Upanishads, the Sutras of Patanjali, The Bhagavad Gita among others…, which for me personally have become a life guidance
Understanding from the Inside
Vijnana Yoga is a practice from the Inside. This is why I call it “My Heart of Practice”. It is something that moves my heart. For me it is not necessarily about coming to the final posture. It is more about how do I get there. It is about understanding the posture. And once you comprehend the pose, the pose unfolds itself to you. I like that image very much.
Vijnana Yoga teaches you to be an observer of the Inner and the Outer World without judging. Whatever occurs, pops up, whatever you might bring on your mat it provides you with a different “seeing” than the one you are used to. The precision and harmony of your body moving, clarifies your consciousness.
You accept whatever arises in your practice. If there are doubts – ok, if there are fears or anger coming up- ok . You are able to be aware of what is and accept it. You know that acceptance means allowing yourself to overcome.
Are you ready?
If you feel the call for a change in your own practice or you might want to experience something new then sign up for one of my classes in the studio or on the beach.
Or join my upcoming Retreat.