About me

Who is “All Life is Yoga”?

About me_Webseite_all life is yoga, algarve

Hi everybody, I’m Sandra. 

You are here because you would like to know a bit more about me.

Born in Berlin I am a graduated Vijnana Yoga teacher. 

My focus in Yoga is on Yoga therapy, Yoga philosophy, meditation, breathing exercises and asanas

Why is Yoga so important to me? 

Yoga trains me to be more conscious about myself and allows me to look at my surrounding from a different perspective. Yoga philosophy is my personal favorite. It teaches me that life consists of constant challenges that must be faced fearlessly & mindfully in order to grow from them. 

Why Vijnana Yoga? 

Through Vijnana Yoga I came into contact with yoga philosophy, the origin of yoga, for the very first time. I realized that HERE & NOW is just a variation of what was experienced and practiced thousands of years ago. And so what I read turned out to be a life guidance for me personally. 

In my yoga practice, Vijnana Yoga allows me to be more aware of myself. It’s more about the path to the pose than the mastering of it.

Why is teaching so important to me? 

My relationship as a teacher with my students is always one of mutual give and take. Yoga has positively changed my life in every respect and I would like to share this development with other like-minded people. I would like to accompany them on their journey through life as we draw from each other’s experiences.

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How did I get into 9 Star Ki Astrology? 

My participation in a Feng Shui course sparked my interest in 9 Star Ki. I am fascinated by the interplay between logic and my own intuition as well as the fact that you already know EVERYTHING.

What motivates me? 

The awareness that everything is constantly changing and that no two days in my life are the same. 🙂 The opportunity to face my challenges in life and to grow from them. Knowing that this is my responsibility, my duty. The dear people who accompany me on my way and confirm again and again that the path I have chosen is the right one.