You want to start with yoga?
But you can’t quite decide on a studio or a course? Then read my tips for choosing a suitable yoga course:
1. The first impression
Trust your intuition when looking for the perfect place to practice yoga. As soon as you enter the Yoga studio, you want to feel comfortable and welcome. Be sure to pay attention to the noise level coming into the space from outside. It’s not the size that makes a good studio, but the silence and cleanliness that surrounds it that is critical to yoga practice. I have never practiced yoga in a gym and wouldn’t recommend it.
2. Suitable schedule
You should make sure beforehand that classes do not conflict with your work schedule. Yoga requires continuity. It is better to start once a week and follow through than to practice three times in one week and then be absent the rest of the month. Be sure to plan enough of a buffer! Showing up on time, probably stressed out, does no good. The same goes for after class: avoid rushing to your next appointment after a yoga class

3. A real connection
For me personally, this is the most important thing. In yoga class, you open up more than you might think. That’s why you should find a teacher you can connect with. This way you can gradually build a relationship of trust that will become more and more important the longer you practice. The website of the studio you have chosen might help you get a first impression of the teachers. If you have some time, I recommend stopping by the studio and taking a trial class. Many studios offer this possibility.
4. Teachers
Teachers should be certified. Various yoga associations offer standardized degrees. But for me it is equally important that the teacher puts their heart into the practice they offer. The relationship between teacher and student is a mutual learning, a growing together. To know more as a teacher than the person sitting in front of you is an illusion. A good teacher wants to share his knowledge in a non-dependent way. His intention is to teach how to help and heal oneself!
5. The right yoga style
The range of different yoga styles on the market is getting bigger and bigger. For someone who is just starting out, this doesn’t make it any easier to find the right class. If you’ve never done yoga before, I recommend a studio that offers a variety of yoga styles. You’ll get a taste of all types of yoga and can choose a direction that you like best at that moment. Usually, every studio accepts beginners. And don’t be afraid to try out and switch between classes. The more you try out and know what you want, the easier it will be to find the right fit.

6. Equipment
A good yoga studio will provide essential equipment such as mats, blocks, meditation cushions and belts. If you have your own equipment, I recommend you use it.
7. Further offers
It’s good if the studio offers other events besides yoga classes, like intensive workshops and maybe even yoga retreats! This way you can add more ME time to your calendar or even plan a full yoga vacation without having to adjust to new teachers!
8. Contribution
Once you’ve found the perfect yoga studio and class with the right teacher, it’s time for the “HOW MUCH?” question.
The practice of Yoga is considered to be healing from within. Therefore, many people believe that this type of work should be free. Instead, it should be appreciated and compensated accordingly! For me personally, it’s more about: How much are you willing to contribute to your own well-being and health? I assume that this question no longer plays a role once you have found your perfect match.
I hope my tips help you find the yoga studio and class that best suits you and your needs. I’d love to hear from you in the comments. 👇
Let’s practice together. Check out my weekly class schedule here.