3 steps to become the hero of your life
Who has been or still is your secret Hero?
Superman, Luke Skywalker, Superwoman, Batman, Ironman, Hulk??
Your story is nothing different from their story. Actually there is only ONE story: It is the Hero´s journey. We are not separated from the heroes that we know from movies or novels. It is all the same thing. They are us.
Sometimes we must be willing to get rid of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us „ (Joseph Campbell)
It is like Universe dialing you up and literally asking you to step out of your habitual life, your protective environment. You can decide not to answer it and run away but it keeps on calling until you do get it. If you are not paying attention, it hits you hard.
The call for adventure
In most cases the call itself comes not in form of a choir of angels singing in front of your doorstep. It usually occurs in times of despair, like loosing your job, divorces, your home being closed down. Things you would not have want to have happened. But somehow it is what has to happen to catapult you into the other version, that other dimension of ourselves. It feels like Universe just upended you. But be sure of bad things ony happen to good people. This moment is usually the moment or to feel self pity or despair being the victim or choosing to be the Hero of your own life journey.
It´s never about what happened with us, rather than what we do with it.
Once you got the call, you are put into another place where you are in some manner initiated. You are asked to discover your own path to follow your Heart, your Bliss! Being responsible for your own adventure, your own life ! Trusting this deep impulse within you to do what makes you feel most alive. It is a very big deal. Do not underestimate !

How to find my Bliss ?
It is not about feeding or supporting your family and it is not about what your family wants you to do.
It is more about finding out: What are the things that you love doing? What was it what made you different as a child. What made you not fit in ? Try yourself out ! Put yourself out there without anticipating. DREAM BIG !Keep on looking.
The Big Unknown that was initiated is like going through this dark black forest into the light and it takes the courage of a hero to step into it exploring what can not be seen. It is a journey full of challenges and obstacles to find out how to deal with our inner resources, how to overcome our dragons within us, our fears and to recognize our abilities . To go beyond what we perceive as the limits of our possibility.
Your life is the fruit of your own doing. You have no one to blame but yourself „ (Joseph Campbell)

Facing the fears
One has to find his way through the Dark, through the Unknown by himself.
Finding out who one really is. It can´t be done by somebody else. Having the courage to move forward in spite of the fear one feels for the dragons within himself. One stops fighting his fears and allows growing and loving whatever dragon resides within him and goes beyond it. Often it is our own family, the ones we love most that are the demons we have to face, their opinions, their rejection and dislikes.
Be assure, best moments are to come after a struggle.
No death, No life!
No death, No transformation!
Some old has to go, for some new to come.
There is an old version of you that has no use anymore and gives entrance to a new form of life that is even greater and bigger than the one before.
For new birth, new revelations and new Insights you learn how to keep dying.
And to be scared exploring this is totally normal.
The Universe, the Divine gives us a call asking us to step out. You move from one world into another. You become the hero of your own life, responsible for your own adventure. Get to know your dreams, gifts, talents, weaknesses, hopes and lessons. You wake up from the illusion of life and wake up to a reality, where you can see your true potential.
You surrender to your dragons, to your fears. Loving your dragons means accepting who you are. You are no longer engaged to the fight . You have faced the fear and went beyond.
You come back home (wherever that might be for you) with a story to share. You invite other people to go on an adventure and to be their own hero. You share your adventures and your growth. Nothing is as it was before. You give back the essence, your message of your journey.
How have you been able to make a difference?
If you speak through your life, you change lifes. You share the experience. No matter how long you get to live. The only thing that only matters in the end is how big you have shown off and how courageous you have been.
The choice is yours, always.
I want to sing like birds sing, not worrying who listens or what they tell (Rumi)

What we do with our lifes is what makes us heroes.
You love an accept who you are!