How to quiet your mind?
Quieting the mind is the second most important Vital principle of Vijñãna Yoga after relaxation.
A quiet mind is a mind that is not disturbed, not by thoughts, not by feelings, not by emotions. We immediately think of a meditative state of mind like practiced while sitting, but there is another aspect of a quiet mind when we position ourselves on the mat.
What is a quiet mind ?
We observe ourselves and our practice from an inner silence. Like a golden threat, it guides us throughout our entire practice.
We allow ourselves to distance from our need to react to the world and look inward, with a total awareness of everything but nothing in particular. Therein lies a search for stillness. We are striving for a state of mind that is already within us, that has always been there.

How can you calm your mind during practice?
During our practice, we carefully make sure that our mind is hardly disturbed: Choose a quiet and tidy place for practice.
Moving from one pose to another, we inhale and wait before we exhale and wait. While waiting, we become more aware of our state of mind and the subtleness of the practice itself.
Let’s take Tadasana (the Mountain Pose), for example:
- One might choose to focus on the feet and visualize the mind resting where the body touches the earth.
- One can also concentrate on breathing – inhale from the feet & feel the body elongating and widening. And exhale – rooting and connecting.
- Yet another prefers the Vayus, such as Udana, by positioning the eyes at the back of the head.

How can I focus on something and quieten my mind at the same time?
Quieting the mind has nothing to do with stopping thoughts. Rather, it is a very precise way of becoming aware of your practice that quiets the mind.
You feel the touch of your feet on the mat, the way the weight sinks down and the effect it has. You feel the breath as it widens your body with every inhale. For me, this awareness leaves no room for other thoughts or mental activities.
I hope my take on Vijñana Yoga helps you better understand the importance of a quiet mind in your own Yoga practice. I’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments.👇
If you feel that you would like to practice with me, feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!
Let’s practice together!
Sandra 💖