„It is a force that works unseen and does not dominate. By not imposing on Nature, one will be able to understand, and so to govern and control.“
Is there a reality beyond cause and effect?
Relationships break up, new ones emerge. Friendships split, end and yet there is no feeling of despair. No thirst for comfort spreads. As if I suspected that everything is as it should be. Everything takes its course and how do I deal with it: Acceptance and respect for those who, perhaps, bypass changes I have mentioned differently than I do.
I practice NOT wanting to evaluate, NOT wanting to compare and more importantly NOT wanting to convince the other that my way is the right one.
Yes, it is the „NOT-Doing“, „NOT-Judging“, staying within and taking care of mySelf, just ME and my Being.
Am I selfish because of this?
I find myself rather very responsible !
There is so much that I don’t know about ME and my BEING yet or that I think I know but it doesn’t feel like IT.
I feel that there is something else, but yet can´t put it in words.

When you realize you know nothing !
For a long time I thought that the day would come and someone would knock on my door , take me by the hand and guide me through the adventure of life showing me : THIS IS IT!
Until I found a book at my front door called ” The Taoist- the secret path” !
After reading the book I recognized that I know nothing about my true origin, my BEING. 😉
When my mind identifies with the form and clings to it, then the flow of my BEING is interrupted. Everything that does not take place within mySelf is liable and binding. It prevents the maturation of my BEING and causes harm.
The outwardly turned is convinced that the “enemy” would be outside of him. That is why Life is often experienced as great „ Suffering“, when there is only one battle to win and only one opponent to defeat and that lives within ourselves.
What I see exists within me!
The meeting of Heaven and Earth has its own nature and purpose. I should actually fit harmoniously into these encounters, realizing that what I see, experience and feel through my senses on the outside exists unseparated within me.
Only when I have fully recognized and realized this, the door opens into the power that leads to my true origin, my true BEING.
Why do I try to be someone or something?
Because it is repeatedly demanded and confirmed by the outside world. Since the „ I- thought“ is constantly recharged, strengthened, secured and legitimized, it is unfortunately “normal” to maintain this EGO concept.
To me it feels like Inner knots that tie me to the outside. Knots quite strong made out of desires & attachments among others.

Wrong Knowledge
depends on something existing separately and outside its realm, something that I (as the Knower) can recognize outside of mySelf.
Whatever I recognize on the Outside, is constantly changing and uncertain. So how can I possibly call something real or unreal in the permanently uncertain and changing?
The entire perceived world is man himself, and his humanity is nothing but that. The discerning as well as the recognized are the result of the fragmented mind.
What good is the ability to defeat others if the ability to defeat oneself has been lost?
Therefore, the one longing for „True/Right Knowledge“ no longer turns outwards and lives before fragmentation. He stays within beyond cause and effect.
My personal conclusion
After having read the book I came to the conclusion that there is no use of forcing anything in my life.
If I want to force completion I will suffer harm by feeding the cycle of Cause & Effect 😉
I do believe that the forces of life itself prevent failure if I don’t interfere.
I feel it requires awareness & patience to see how everything completes itself.
I trust that everything will be OK and I will be taken care of, always while I am
moving harmoniously inbetween Heaven and Earth 😉 !
Love Sandra