Yoga is Seeing More Clearly
In the Beginning
Embarking on the Yogic journey, we look at the body and the breath in a more unrefined way. We locate our breath so we won´t get distracted by our thoughts. We focus on our sitting bones while Sitting to make sure we won´t collapse.
As we continue to practice, our practice becomes firmly grounded as written in the Yoga Sutras, we observe, that the ability to focus grows, and the initially unrefined way of looking at more gross objects changes, and becomes more precise. We are aware of more and more subtle aspects and are able to look at them. The more we look, the more we see.

When practice becomes grounded
Practice allows us to better get in touch with the Outside, our body, our consciousness, and our breath. (Sutra I 13 Patanjali ) Also the actual ability to look becomes more delicate. The observer distinguishes more, sees more, and is able to grasp aspects that weren´t perecptible before.The more subtle and fine seeing becomes, the more it influences and has an effect on our actual life.

No Connection
But sometimes it happens that there´s no connection between the See´er and the Do´er . One part of us does, and the other part observes disconnectedly. And they both are within us, and we don´t know ho to connect them.
It were as if each of them have nothing in common and therefore not able to meet.
This disconnection is quite common in Yogapractice as well especially when you start off on Yoga. And even for more advanced practcioners this can be an issue. For example a student who has been practicing mediation for years and also studying Yoga passionately might not be able to connect both of them and this causes suffering and the feeling of having to choose between them. This student ends up being very frustrated because she can´t connect between both.
The purpose of Yoga
The purpose of Yoga is to connect between them. The ability to move between the depths of both, cultivating the ability not to get stucked and not to cling.This is a practice in itself.
The teacher shows the student how to look at her body from the Inside, by listening to the sensations in the body, and also explains to her ways to avoid too much thinking.
When this happens, Seeing refines the Doing and Practice becomes an Understanding from The Inside. Once the student felt, for instance,a certain sensation between the foot & the sacrum, and that sensation turns out to express connection, she can easily repeat the action that creates the sensation, and this in turn will deepen her understanding of the connection in the body to different poses.
The See´er invites to a Doing less and Feeling more.
Practice is the effort at steadiness in it ( I.13, Yoga Sutra Patanjali)

Let´s Yoga together
Make sure we meet in one of my classes (private or group) or on one of my events.
- Ongoing classes in the Studio and on the Beach
- “Yoga & Gardening” workshop starting Nov 3, 2021.